
Welcom to School of Petrochemical Engineering!

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Our school held the signing ceremony of the German IKA Education Scholarship for talented young researchers
Prof. Patrice Paricaud from Ecole nationale supérieure de techniques avancées gave an academic report in our school
Professor Liu from New Jersey City University visited our school
Academic symposium of Changzhou graduate students and 5th Academic symposium of Changzhou University graduate students were successfully held in our university
Our school won the 1st prize of the “Challenge Cup” Jiangsu extracurricular academic science and technology works competition.
The 5th Editors committee council, the 3rd young editors committee council of Chinese chemical letters and the 3rd frontier symposium of chemistry and chemical engineering by CCL held in Changzhou University
Professors from Jacksonville State University gave academic reports in our school
Research group of YIN Fengxiang and CHEN Biaohua published research paper in top journal “Advanced Functional Materials”
Professor ChaoyingNi from University of Delaware in USA was invited to give an academic report
Our institute organized publicity activities on overseas study
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Green Catalytic Materials and Technology held2018Annual Academic Committee Meeting
An academic report was lectured by Professor LingZhao, Changjiang scholars
Achievements in the 2nd Innovation Competition of “Anlailisi Cup” Water Treatment Experiment for College Students in Jiangsu Province
Foreign Project Exchange Meeting held by School of Petrochemical Engineering and Food Science and Technology
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